Postal Services

How do I contact Burnham Sub Post Office?

22 Station Road, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, CM0 8BQ

When is the Sub-Post Office open?

Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm

Saturday 9am to 1pm

 Closed on Sundays

 What services does the Sub-Post Office offer?

A full range of Post Office Services including purchase of Road Tax, Foreign Currency, application forms for driving licences and most other official documents and of course all Royal Mail functions.

 Postal Collection

Postal collection on letter boxes in the Burnham area are between 10am and 5.30pm on weekdays according to the box.

Collections at Burnham Sub-Post Office is at 5.30pm on weekdays at 12.45pm on saturdays. There is no collection on sundays.

Postal Delivery

Bulk mail is delivered from the Royal mail base at Chelmsford to the Sorting Office at Station Road, Burnham on Crouch

A team of postal workers deliver mail to houses each morning on foot or cycle.

Larger items and postal deliveries to outlying houses are made by post van.